Infrastructure as Code (IaC) – Terraform vs Pulumi


By Leland Johnson

ExcelliMatrix, CEO

December 15, 2022


Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a practice that involves using code to manage infrastructure, networks, and systems in a consistent, repeatable way. IaC helps organizations reduce manual errors, improve efficiency, and achieve greater consistency in their infrastructure. Terraform and Pulumi are two popular tools used for IaC, but which one is better? In this blog post, we will compare Terraform and Pulumi, and explain why Terraform is a better solution for IaC.


Overview of Terraform and Pulumi


Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as a code tool that allows you to define, manage, and provision infrastructure resources across various cloud providers. Terraform uses declarative language to describe the desired state of your infrastructure, and it automates the process of provisioning and managing infrastructure resources. Terraform supports a wide range of cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and many others.


Pulumi, on the other hand, is a modern infrastructure as a code tool that allows you to write infrastructure code using familiar programming languages such as Python, TypeScript, and Go. Pulumi provides a higher-level abstraction for cloud resources than Terraform, allowing you to write code that looks like regular programming code. Pulumi also supports a wide range of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes.


Terraform vs. Pulumi: Comparison


Now that we have a basic understanding of Terraform and Pulumi, let’s compare the two tools and see which one is better for infrastructure as code.

  1. Ease of Use

    Terraform is known for its ease of use and simplicity. It uses declarative language that is easy to understand and write. The Terraform configuration files are easy to read and understand, even for non-technical users. Terraform also has a large community of users and developers who provide support and contribute to the development of the tool.

    Pulumi, on the other hand, requires a higher level of programming knowledge and skill. While Pulumi allows you to write infrastructure code using familiar programming languages, the learning curve can be steep for users who are not familiar with these languages. Additionally, Pulumi’s configuration files can be more complex than Terraform’s, making them harder to read and understand.

  2. Multi-Cloud Support

    Terraform supports a wide range of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, GCP, and many others. Terraform allows you to manage infrastructure resources across multiple clouds and cloud providers, making it a great tool for organizations that have a hybrid or multi-cloud infrastructure.

    Pulumi does support many cloud providers but the maturity of support for some cloud providers is not up to the mark as compared with Terraform. Additionally, Pulumi is more focused on the Kubernetes ecosystem, which may limit its usefulness for organizations that do not use Kubernetes.

  3. Resource Management

    Terraform’s resource management capabilities are well-established and widely used. Terraform allows you to define and manage infrastructure resources using declarative language. It also has a robust set of resource providers for various cloud services, making it easy to provision and manage resources across different cloud providers.

    Pulumi, on the other hand, provides a higher-level abstraction for cloud resources, allowing you to write code that looks like regular programming code. While this may be more familiar to developers, it can make resource management more complex, especially for non-technical users.

  4. State Management

    Terraform’s state management capabilities are one of its biggest strengths. Terraform tracks the state of your infrastructure and uses it to manage resources and ensure consistency. Terraform stores the state of your infrastructure in a state file, which can be stored locally or remotely.

    Pulumi’s state management capabilities are also strong, but they are different from Terraform’s. Pulumi uses a stack-based approach to state management, where each stack represents a different environment or configuration. Pulumi stores the state of each stack in its own backend, which can be a cloud storage service or a version control system.

    While both Terraform and Pulumi have strong state management capabilities, Terraform’s state management is more mature and has been battle-tested over many years. Terraform’s state management also allows for easy collaboration and sharing of infrastructure configurations.

  5. Community Support

    Terraform has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute to the development and maintenance of the tool. Terraform has been around for many years and has a well-established ecosystem of plugins, modules, and documentation.

    Pulumi’s community is smaller than Terraform’s, but it is growing rapidly. Pulumi has been gaining popularity in recent years, and its community is active and passionate about the tool. However, Pulumi’s ecosystem of plugins, modules, and documentation is not as mature as Terraform’s.

Why Terraform is a Better Solution for Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?


Based on the comparison above, it is clear that Terraform is a better solution for infrastructure as code than Pulumi. Here are some of the key reasons why:


  • Simplicity and Ease of Use

    Terraform’s declarative language and easy-to-read configuration files make it a great choice for organizations that want to get started with infrastructure as code quickly and easily. Terraform’s simplicity and ease of use also make it easier to collaborate with non-technical users, such as project managers or business analysts.

  • Wide Range of Cloud Providers

    Terraform’s support for a wide range of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, GCP, and many others, makes it a great choice for organizations that have a hybrid or multi-cloud infrastructure. Terraform allows you to manage resources across multiple clouds and cloud providers, making it a more flexible and versatile tool than Pulumi.

  • Strong Resource Management Capabilities

    Terraform’s resource management capabilities are well-established and widely used. Terraform allows you to define and manage infrastructure resources using a declarative language, and it has a robust set of resource providers for various cloud services. This makes it easy to provision and manage resources across different cloud providers.

  • Mature and Battle-Tested State Management

    Terraform’s state management capabilities are mature and battle-tested. Terraform tracks the state of your infrastructure and uses it to manage resources and ensure consistency. Terraform’s state management also allows for easy collaboration and sharing of infrastructure configurations.

  • Large and Active Community Support

    Terraform has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute to the development and maintenance of the tool. Terraform’s ecosystem of plugins, modules, and documentation is mature and well-established, making it easier to find solutions and answers to common problems.


In conclusion, Terraform is a better solution for infrastructure as code than Pulumi. While Pulumi has some advantages, such as its support for familiar programming languages and its higher-level abstraction for cloud resources, Terraform’s simplicity, a wide range of cloud provider support, strong resource management and state management capabilities, and large and active community support make it a more versatile and reliable tool for managing infrastructure as code. If you’re looking for infrastructure as a code tool, Terraform should be at the top of your list.


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