Common Software Vulnerabilities and How to Prevent Them

In the digital age, when software is the foundation of our daily lives, protecting the security of software applications is critical. However, the rapid progress of technology introduces new obstacles. One of the most serious concerns is the prevalence of common software vulnerabilities that might be exploited by criminal actors. In this detailed post, we will look at the major software vulnerabilities that still exist in the digital realm and discuss practical preventive methods. To provide a thorough picture, we will rely on industry information and insights from respected sources such as Visartech and Relevant blog.   

Software Vulnerabilities That Are Common  

  1. Injection attacks

For years, injection attacks, such as SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), have been a thorn in the side of software engineers. According to Visartech's study, injection attacks accounted for roughly 19% of all reported vulnerabilities in 2021[source: Visartech. These vulnerabilities emerge when untrusted data is injected into code without adequate validation or sanitization. 

 SQL injection vulnerabilities can be reduced by using parameterized queries. 

   - Implement input validation to filter out potentially harmful characters. 

   - Use security techniques like Content Security Policy (CSP) to prevent XSS attacks.  

  1. Invalid Authentication

Vulnerabilities in authentication are a typical entry point for attackers seeking unauthorized access to applications. According to Relevant Software’s findings, authentication issues are routinely among the top ten software vulnerabilities [source: Relevant]. These flaws may be the result of lax password restrictions, insufficient session management, or improper credential handling. 

 Prevention: Enforce strict password standards that require complexity and regular changes. 

   - To improve security, use multi-factor authentication (MFA). 

   - Audit and monitor authentication processes regularly to discover and prevent irregularities.  

  1. Misconfigurations in Security

Oversight during system setup or maintenance frequently leads to security misconfigurations. According to Visartech's research, misconfigurations accounted for a significant portion of vulnerabilities, accounting for roughly 16% of all reported issues in 2021 [source: Visartech]. These errors can reveal critical information or allow unauthorized access. 

Prevention: Ensure that security configurations are reviewed and updated regularly. 

   - Use automated scanning technologies to detect misconfigurations ahead of time. 

   - Follow security best practices and standards appropriate to your technology stack.  

  1. Inadequate access control

Inadequate access control is a vulnerability that can lead to unauthorized access to restricted resources. According to Relevant Software's research, access control concerns are consistently ranked among the top 10 software vulnerabilities [source: Relevant Software]. These flaws occur when developers fail to effectively implement access controls. 

Prevention: - Use role-based access control (RBAC) to guarantee that users only have access to the resources they require. 

   - Review and update access control policies as needed regularly. 

   - Conduct penetration testing to discover and address access control flaws.  

  1. Vulnerable Subsystems

Third-party libraries and components are commonly used in software development. Using old or susceptible components, on the other hand, can present security problems. According to Visartech's estimate, susceptible components will account for about 10% of software vulnerabilities in 2021 [source: Visartech]. 

Prevention: Update and patch third-party libraries and components regularly. 

   - Use software composition analysis (SCA) technologies to discover and fix flaws in software. 

   - Keep a complete inventory of all used components and their variants. 

  1. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of cross-site request forgery.

Cross-site request Forgery (CSRF) attacks happen when malicious websites deceive users into completing actions on another website without their permission. CSRF flaws can allow unauthorized changes or actions to occur within a web application. According to Relevant Software, CSRF is still a major issue in the world of software vulnerabilities [source: Relevant Software]. 

Prevention: - Implement anti-CSRF tokens to validate the origin of requests for prevention. 

   - To limit cross-origin queries, use the SameSite attribute in cookies. 

   - To reduce the danger of CSRF attacks, educate users on safe browsing practices. 

  1. Management of Broken Sessions

Inadequate session management can lead to vulnerabilities such as session fixation, hijacking, and session timeout difficulties. Because of these flaws, attackers may get unauthorized access to user accounts. Broken session management is identified as a continuing concern in software security by Relevant Software [source: Relevant Software]. 

Prevention: For each user session, generate a unique session ID. 

   - Enforce session reauthentication and set suitable session timeouts. 

   - To avoid tampering or eavesdropping, encrypt session data. 

  1. XML External Entity (XXE) Attacks

XML External Entity (XXE) attacks occur when a software program handles XML input without sufficient confirmation potentially allowing an attacker to read files, conduct remote code execution, or execute other attacks. According to Visartech, XXE vulnerabilities accounted for around 6% of reported issues in 2021 [source: Visartech]. 

Prevention: Disable external entity processing in XML parsers. 

   - Thoroughly validate and sanitize XML input to eliminate harmful entities. 

   - Implement adequate error handling to avoid information disclosure. 

  1. Insecure Deserialization

Insecure deserialization flaws can lead to remote code execution or other harmful behaviors. These flaws occur when an application deserializes untrusted data without proper validation. According to Relevant Software, unsecured deserialization vulnerabilities are a major cause of worry [source: Relevant Software]. 

Implement input validity and verification procedures during deserialization as a preventative measure. 

   - Make use of secure deserialization libraries or methodologies. 

   - Look for irregularities in deserialization operations.  

  1. Inadequate logging and monitoring

Inadequate logging and monitoring might impede the detection and response to security events. Identifying and responding to security risks becomes difficult in the absence of effective logging and monitoring. According to Visartech data, this vulnerability accounted for around 8% of all reported issues in 2021. 

Prevention: Implement extensive logging of security-relevant events. 

    - Implement real-time monitoring and alerting for questionable activity. 

    - Hold regular security incident response training and drills. 


Software vulnerabilities pose a persistent and increasing danger to the security of digital systems. As cyberattacks become more frequent and sophisticated, developers and organizations must take proactive actions to discover and mitigate these vulnerabilities. We can collaboratively increase the security of our application ecosystems by following best practices, remaining informed about the latest threats, and undertaking security assessments regularly. 

Feel free to contact us if you have any software development queries or need assistance with IT solutions. You can contact us at 406-646-2102 or email us at If you are interested in blogs like this, do visit our website and check out more articles. We suggest you subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more technology and security information. Let us know your thoughts on this blog in the comment section below. Stay connected with us on LinkedIn and Facebook, and follow us on Twitter for more information like this. We provide IT support and technological consulting, and you can benefit from partnering up with us.   

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